Solid Weld s.r.o.
Welcome to the website of Solid Weld s.r.o. company.
Solid Weld s.r.o. is a young, dynamically developing czech company which deals with development, manufacturing and sale of CNC plasma burning machines.
We apply our own innovative solutions in the key technological areas and thus bring a significant rejuvenation to the burning machine market.
The solution offered to our customers is financially attainable solution with excellent quality that used to be missing on the czech market.
Customers satisfaction is our priority, we are not a "sell and forget" organisation.
Individual approach is preffered, that us why we fully focus on needs and requirements of each individual customer, which we implement professionally and precisely.
Contact information
Solid Weld s.r.o.
Fügnerova 309
679 02
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777598600
IČ: 02864738
DIČ: CZ02864738
Place of business address
Újezd u Černé hory
Újezd u Černé hory 102
679 22